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It will be 180 degrees

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Q: How many degrees must a rectangle be rotated in order to map onto itself?
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How rhombus has order 2 rotational symmetry?

Because a rhombus which is rotated through 180 degrees will coincide with itself.

How many orders of symmetry does a rectangle have?

The rectangle's rotational symmetry is of order 2. A square's rotational symmetry is of order 4; the triangle has a symmetry of order 3. Rotational symmetry is the number of times a figure can be rotated and still look the same as the original figure.

Do a square have a rotational symmetry?

Yes, a square has rotational symmetry. It has rotational symmetry of order 4, which means it can be rotated by 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees to coincide with its original position.

Does an oval have a rotational symmetry?

Rotational symmetry counts how many times a shape will fit onto itself when it is rotated 360°. When an oval (I assume you mean an ellipse) is rotated it will fit onto itself after 180°, thus it has rotational symmetry (of order 2).

How rhombus has order two rotational symmetry?

When a rhombus is rotated through 180 degrees, the bottom left vertex and the top right vertex will change places as will the other two vertices.

How do you find the area of a rectangle with 3 angles given?

A rectangle is, by definition, a parallelogram with four equal angles, all of which equal 90 degrees. If you only know three angles in a rectangle, something is wrong. In order to find the area of a rectangle, you must know its height and length. The area is then found by multiplying these two values together.

What is the order of rotation in a rectangle?

2 If the rectangle has equal sides (ie it's a square) the order is 4.

How do you give the least angle measure that will rotate the figure itself?

It is 360 degrees divided by the order of rotational symmetry.

What is the order rotational symmetry of an rectangle?

It is in the order of 2

Can a parallelogram always be inscribed in a circle?

No. For example, if one angle measures 100 degrees, and its adjacent angle is 80 degrees, then the opposite angles would be either 200 or 160 degrees, but in order for a quadrilateral to be inscribed in a circle the opposite angles would have to equal 180 degrees. A parallelogram can be inscribed in a circle if it is a rectangle.

Is a rectangle symetrical?

A rectangle has two axes of symmetry and has rotational symmetry of order 2.

What is the order of rotational symmetry of a rectangle?
