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Q: How many different 5 card hands can be dealt from a deck that has only 13 cards?
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What is the probability of being dealt a queen of clubs?

If only one card is dealt randomly from a deck of cards, the probability is 1/52.

How many different hands of a 13-card might you have out of standard deck of 52 playing?

You can draw C(52,13) = 52! /13! 39! = 635 013559 600 different 13-card hands from a deck of 52 cards.

If two players are dealt a five card hand each from same deck of cards what is the probability that they both end up with hands identical in terms of numerical values of cards they hold ignoring suit?

Player 1 is holding 5 cards, Player 2 is dealt five cards from the same deck. Probabilities are: 1.card of player two matches one of the five cards of player 1: 15/47 2.card...:12/46 3.card...:9/45 4.card...:6/44 5.card...:3/43 ->Probability of 2 players having the same cards is all probabilities multiplied: 81/511313 or 0.000158416! Hope there is no mistake. Greets Tobi

In poker you are dealt 5 cards from a standard 52 deck find probablity of being dealt a full house?

The odds of being dealt exactly a full house are 694 to 1 against, which equates to a probability of 0.00144. The probability of all 5 card hands can be found, along with explanations of how to derive the probabilities, can be found at

A pack of 52 playing cards of shuffled and one card is dealt from the top of the pack What is the probability that is a black card?

There are 52 cards of which 26 (a half) are black. So he probability that the first card is black is 26/52= 1/2

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How many possible hands are there for getting 3 cards of the same suit?

The number of different 3-card hands that can be dealt from a deck of 52 cards is given by the combination formula, which is: C(52, 3) = 52! / (3! * (52 - 3)!) = 22,100 Therefore, there are 22,100 different 3-card hands that can be dealt from a deck of 52 cards.

How many 7 card hands are possible with a 13 cards deck?

If the cards are all different then there are 13C7 = 1716 different hands.

What is the odds of getting dealt a pocket pair in Texas Hold'em?

It is 1 in 17. Here's why: There are 52 cards in a deck, 13 different value cards (A, 2, 3, etc.), and two cards are dealt. We're finding the odds of getting any pocket pair, not just one. This means that the first card dealt can be any value. The second card has to repeat the value of the first card. For example, the first card dealt is a 10, and now the second card has to be a 10. After the first 10 is dealt, there are 51 cards left in the deck, and 3 different 10's. Therefore, 3 over 51 simplifies to 1 over 17.

What is involved in having a poker challenge?

Poker is a card game that involves betting and the winner is determined by the ranks and combinations of the cards and the hidden cards. A Poker Challenge is trying to identify the Poker hands within the dealt cards.

You are dealt a 5-card hand from a deck of 52 cards Let event F equal all the cards in your hand are from the same suit and let event S equal the numbers of your cards form an uninterrupted sequen?

You are dealt a 5-card hand from a deck of 52 cards. Let event F equal "all the cards in your hand are from the same suit" and let event S equal "the numbers of your cards form an uninterrupted sequence."Which of the following hands are contained in the event F

What kind of card game is Indian Marriage?

Indian Marriage is a type of Rummie game. Your goal is to have the most points after all the hands are played out. You are dealt 21 cards. After, everyone deals a card face down the highest card takes all the cards, and you start again left of the person who won that hand.

What is the 4th card called after the first 3 cards dealt in poker?

In Hold-em the first three cards is the "flop", the next card is the "turn" and the last card is the "river".

What is the probability of being dealt a queen of clubs?

If only one card is dealt randomly from a deck of cards, the probability is 1/52.

What are the minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52 cards to guarantee that three cards are from some same suit?

The minimum number of cards that must be dealt, from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52 cards, to guarantee that three cards are from some same suit is 9.The basis for 9 is that the first four cards could be from four different suits, the next four cards could be from four different suits, and the ninth card is guaranteed to match the suit of two of the previously dealt cards. The minimum number, without the guarantee, is 3, but the probability of that is only 0.052, or about 1 in 20.

How many different 10 card hands can be drawn from 10 standard deck of 52 cards?

There are 15,820,024,220 ways.

What are the Odds of getting dealt suited connectors in holdem?

The odds of being dealt suited connectors in poker is 2 in 51. Here's why: No matter what card is dealt first, there are two cards that will make suited connectors with it. For example, if the first card is 5d, then the second card must be 4d or 6d. Or, if the first card is Ac, the second card must be 2c or Kc. Since there are 51 cards left in the deck, of which two will make suited connectors with the first card, the odds are 2 in 51.

How many different hands of a 13-card might you have out of standard deck of 52 playing?

You can draw C(52,13) = 52! /13! 39! = 635 013559 600 different 13-card hands from a deck of 52 cards.