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Q: How many different rulling dynasties did the eygptians have in their 3000 year reign?
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That she was the only lady Tudor to reign for a long period of time.

How was king Solomon's reign different from David's?

The reign of King Solomon and David was that, when David sinned he repented, but Solomon did not he went away from God.

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A theocracy means the reign of the gods. This reign is transmitted through the reign of one person. An absolute monarchy, however, is where a king has total and absolute control over his subjects.

How is a theocracy and an absolute monarchy different?

A theocracy means the reign of the gods. This reign is transmitted through the reign of one person. An absolute monarchy, however, is where a king has total and absolute control over his subjects.

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Periods of reign.

How was King Solomon reign different from King davids?

The reign of King Solomon and David was that, when David sinned he repented, but Solomon did not he went away from God.

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James II was merely overthrown. Charles I was overthrown put on trial and executed.

How was king Solomon's reign different from David's. For what is each king remembered?


How was sculpture from reign of akhenaten in Egypt different from previous and subsequent sculpture?

It is elongated.

What are the key achievements of the mughals in India?

During the reign of Babur to Alamgir (1527 to 1707) their were ups and downs (so with all dynasties)...the Mughal reign is overall calm, prosperous and beneficient to the mass people. During the Akbar's Mughal Empire ruling India had revenue of £17.5 million (by comparison, in 1800, the entire treasury of Great Britain totaled £16 million).

When did imperialism end in China?

Well, the Chinese Empire had different period of reign. For example, there were dynasties that ruled a period of time, and then fell, such as the Xia, Shang, Zhou, ect. So, in a sense, the empire didn't end because, afterward, it was replaced by a new family in power. And, today, it can be seen that China is still ruling, yet, with a different system, being that of Communist.

What is maria theresa's reign?

Maria Theresa was able to rule because her father, Charles VI, issued the Pragmatic Sanction that said the women were able to inherit dynasties. She ruled the Hapsburg empire from 1740-1765. She was only able to stay on the throne because the she pleased the Hungarian nobles. During her reign were the War of Austrian Succession (the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle), the Diplomatic Revolution, and the Seven Years War.