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Q: How many different ways can a farmer arrange 189 plants in rows of 9 each?
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You are arranging 70 plants in a rectangular garden with the same number of plants in each row. How many ways can you arrange the garden

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19 plants in 9 row

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8 ways

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30 * 10 = 300 total plants.

Difference between contour plowing and crop rotation?

Contour plowing is a soil conservation technique where farmers plow along the contour lines of a slope to prevent soil erosion, while crop rotation involves systematically planting different crops in the same field over time to improve soil fertility, prevent pests and diseases, and increase crop yields. Both practices aim to sustainably manage farmland and promote healthy soil, but they address different aspects of agriculture.

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120 different ways.

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What three things do farmers do to conserve soil?

They first plow their fields along the curves of a slope. Then they disturb the soil and its plant cover as little as possible. Last they the farmer plants different crops in a field each year.

Last year the farmer harvest 189 potatoes from 9 potato plants if the farmer plants 14 potato plants this year how many potatoes can he expect to harvest?

Harvesting 189 potatoes from 9 plants means that each plant gives 189/9 or 21 potatoes. Therefore, 14 plants should give us 14 x 21 or 294 potatoes.