It would depend on the letters in the word. The theoretical maximum is 325 words from 5 different letters: 120 five-letter words, 120 four-letter words, 60 three-letter words, 20 two-letter words, 5 one-letter words (including acronyms) made by listing the letters in every possible order (abcde, abced, ..., edcba and ending with a, b, c, d, e). For most sets of 5 letters, the number is a fraction of that, from 20 to 40 words.
55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Rafaelrz.You can make, 5! = 120, five digit numbers using 1,2,3,4 and 6.
As they believe it is easy to remember but the hackers know this as well, so it's never good to make a password so simple.
Password characters can include -- the digits, 0 through 9 . . . . . ten choices -- the letters, A through Z . . . . . 26 choices -- some systems can tell the difference between capital letters and small letters, so you have another 26 choices . . . the small letters 'a' through 'z' -- some systems also let you use special characters, like !, @, #, $, %, &, *, ?, / If your system allows all of these, and you need 4 characters for a password, then you can make almost 4 billion different passwords ! Here are a few examples of passwords you can make with 4 characters: 1234 ABCD abcd AbcD A3g9 2c4? Home homE 1776 bush fONe five 5ive
676 of them.
Six if using each letter once, or 27 if using a letter more than once.
The Observatory password is different in each file you make. Be sure to write down the password so that you can remember it.
GnatGoutBoatCoatMoatOatsGoalMy teacher gave me this for homework! Hope it is useful to you!
There isn't a set password for Discovery Education. Different teachers and educators have different passwords. If you want to, you can make your own account.
Julep, jumbo and jumpy are five letter words. Additional five letter words include junky and juror.
There is no five letter word that can be made with the letters 'jzeiu'.
A five letter word is drone.