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Password characters can include

-- the digits, 0 through 9 . . . . . ten choices

-- the letters, A through Z . . . . . 26 choices

-- some systems can tell the difference between capital letters and small letters,

so you have another 26 choices . . . the small letters 'a' through 'z'

-- some systems also let you use special characters, like !, @, #, $, %, &, *, ?, /

If your system allows all of these, and you need 4 characters for a password,

then you can make almost 4 billion different passwords !

Here are a few examples of passwords you can make with 4 characters:














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If a password is 4 characters long how long is the average time it would take a computer to discover the password?

1 second

What is the minimum number of characters that a password must have?

depends on what password type you are creating. usually 4-6, but a computer password is usually 7. good luck :) be creative

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If the site lets you, choose 4 words at random from the dictionary (or a Diceware list) and type them as your password. A longer password made of random words is far better than a short password with "funny characters".

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Step 1: Log in using your username and password you want to change. Step 2: In the upper left hand corner, there is a link called "My Attributes." Click it. Step 3: On the password line, write the new password you want (make sure you verify it too) Step 4: Click the Green "Update" button. You have successfully changed your study island password!

How do you create roblox?

Sorry..its impossible.But you can CREATE a account..All you do it click "Register" Select your moth and year. Decide your character name. Do your password 4 characters and 2 numbers...Do your e-mail if you want...Goodluck

What are the passwords in ultimate flash sonic game?

The best password is 595313131313131 , It can get you all the characters and the cheats!

Can you help me make a good password?

It depends what the password is for. A 'good' password should consist of at least 10 characters. It should be a mixture of letters and numbers - but NOT something that could be guessed by someone who knows you. For example - the password I use to access my bank account online... has ten characters - and comprises 6 letters and 4 digits. I have NEVER revealed it to anyone - which makes guessing it almost impossible !Whatever password you choose - it should be something that you can easily remember - but nothing too obvious. How abut the name of your first pet... plus the year you were born.Just for reference... a 10-digit alphanumeric password has...3,656,158,440,062,976 possible combinations !

What is the meaning of dual input?

Dual Input can be achived by two ways: 1: Authentication by typing the password twice (hence eliminating the human error) 2: Two individuals are involved in this process. For example: if password policy is to use minimum of 8 character password, first individual will input first 4 characters of the password and second indiviual will input last 4 characters. This way on one knows the complete password. This method should be used for non-interactive accounts that are meant to non-expiry in nature. AT

i want my 4 security numbers?

thy said ihave 4 numbers but no one will give me the numbers it a password but i dont have it

What is mighty guy 4 password on funbrain?

iron7, or, if you want to unlock everything, it it spoon4

Are there any free website to use with a password?

If I understand your question correctly in that you want to make a website with a password on it then you can try You can pick between 4 levels. first one is free. Then the other 3 you have to pay for but you get more options as you go along.

Why does your runscape account keep on getting hacked. Even though no one knows my password?

There are many reasons for this. 1. Someone might be watching while you're typing in your password. For this, just make sure no one's watching while you're typing in your password. 2. You might have a keylogger. You might want to virus-scan your computer. 3. You might of put your password on a fake site. Many sites say that you can use your original RuneScape password for that site. Make sure you're always putting it in RuneScape or FunOrb. 4. Someone could of brute-forced it. This just means you need to put more characters in your password and mix numbers and letters. 5. You might of wrote it down and someone got access to it. Try to make a password easy enough to remember, but hard to guess. 6. You might be using the same password for more than one game. Have a different password for every online game, e-mail address, ect.