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snorting-inhaled through the nose and absorbed by mucus membranes

parachuting- wrapped in tissue and swallowed- absorbed by stomach lining into blood stream

injecting- after creating a solution it is injected into the bloodstream

plugging- inserted into the anus and absorbed through mucus membranes into bloodstream

smoking- smoke of burning substance inhaled through mouth into lungs

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Q: How many different ways can you use cocaine?
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How many people use cocaine today?

25% of american use and or sell cocain.

Does cocaine show up same as amphetamines on pissed test?

no it does not. although the effects of cocaine and amphetamines are similar, the chemicals are still different and therefore a urine test would yield results specific to the compunds ingested. the excreted metabolites from cocaine use are different from those associated with amphetamine use, and as a result they would both produce different results on a drug test. assuming your cocaine isn't cut with amphetamines you wont come up positive for amphetamines, and if you take amphetamines you will not test positive for cocaine.

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Cocaine is extremely addictive; it is possible to use it once and not get addicted, but people who use it twice will almost certainly become addicts.

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Is cocaine worse than dmt?

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