The number of different ways you can write a number as a product of two whole numbers depends on the number itself and its factors. For example, if the number is a prime number, it can only be written as a product of itself and 1. If the number is a composite number, it can be written in multiple ways based on its prime factors.
-- Write down a list of the first ten whole numbers. -- For each one, multiply it by itself, and write the product next to it.
They are the same. If you write the whole number p in the form of the fraction, p/1, you would see absolutely no difference.
10x5 and 1x50
Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
There are 8 different pairs of whole numbers whose prodcut is 40. Allowing for commutativity (a*b = b*a), there are 16 possible ways.
You need at least two things to have a product. Two whole numbers won't multiply to create a fraction. A whole number and a fraction will. 3 x 1/2 = 3/2
The number of different ways you can write a number as a product of two whole numbers depends on the number itself and its factors. For example, if the number is a prime number, it can only be written as a product of itself and 1. If the number is a composite number, it can be written in multiple ways based on its prime factors.
The product of two numbers is the resulting number when they are multiplied together. As there is an infinite amount of numbers it would be impossible to write out the result of the product of all pairs of numbers
-- Write down a list of the first ten whole numbers. -- For each one, multiply it by itself, and write the product next to it.
they did things differently so they they just wrote iut a different wAYU
They are the same. If you write the whole number p in the form of the fraction, p/1, you would see absolutely no difference.
A number as a product of prime numbers would be "x".
It will be easier to know what to write