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Q: How many dimes do I need to make 2?
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How many dimes make 2 dollar?

Twenty dimes

How can make a dollar with 50 coins?

you need 1quarter 2 nickles 2 dimes and 45 pennies

How many ways can you make ten dollars with quarters and dimes?

I believe there are 19 ways to make ten dollars with only quarters and dimes. Quarters have to be in increments of 2 so there would be 2 quarters and 95 dimes, 4 quarters and 90 dimes and so on til there are 38 quarters and 5 dimes.

How many pennies and dimes make a dollar?

10 dimes, or 100 pennies, or 1 dime and 90 pennies, or 2 dimes and 80 pennies, or 3 dimes and 70 pennies, and so on.

How many ways can you make 35 cents using only nickels and dimes?

0 dimes + 7 nickles 1 dimes + 5 nickles 2 dimes + 3 nickles 3 dimes + 1 nickles

How to make two Dollars out of bimes?

20 dimes are needed to make $2

How many ways can you make 2.00 using quarters and dimes?

You can have 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 quarters. The remaining amount is in dimes.

How many ways can you make 5 dollars with dimes nickels and quarters?

hundreds of ways... 50 dimes 100 nickels 20 quarters 40 dimes and 2 nickels 90 nickels and 5 dimes 16 quarters and 10 dimes 30 dimes 2 nickels 4 quarters etc figure it out ;)

How many coins will make 67 cents?

6 pennies 8 nickles 2 dimes

How many ways can you make 50 with nickels dimes and or quarters?

10 for nickels,5 for dimes, and last quarters 2.So it is three ways

How many dimes make a quarter?

Well, honey, a quarter is worth 25 cents, and a dime is worth 10 cents, so you do the math - it takes 2 dimes to make a quarter. But hey, if you need help with basic arithmetic, I'm here for you.

How many ways can you make 0.50 by using nickels and dimes?

Guessing you mean 0.50 dollars, 6 different ways:10 nickels1 dime + 8 nickels2 dimes + 6 nickels3 dimes + 4 nickels4 dimes + 2 nickels5 dimes