There are 90,000,000 whole numbers.
If you include negative numbers, this doubles to 180,000,000.
If you include decimal numbers, eg 1.2345678, there are 666,000,000 positive numbers, disallowing numbers with extraneous 0's.
Including negative numbers, this doubles to 1,332,000,000
If you allow trailing 0's in the decimal place, than this becomes 730,000,000 non-negative numbers, or 1,459,999,999 numbers (since -0.0000000 = 0.0000000)
If you allow a decimal point without a digit in front, there are a further 90,000,000 non-negative numbers, or 180,000,000 including negative numbers.
Allowing trailing 0's, this becomes 100,000,000 non-negative or 199,999,999 numbers.
Maximum total:
1,659,999,998 allowing trailing 0's, and allowing numbers without a digit in front of the decimal point.
Eight of them.
There are not 99999999 eight digit numbers - unless you allow numbers with leading 0s.
There are 76 such numbers. Eight more if you allow numbers to start with 0.
None. 3 digit numbers are not divisible by 19 digit numbers.
There are 21 two-digit prime numbers.
Eight of them.
Eight (8) of them do.They are1221243642486384 .
There are not 99999999 eight digit numbers - unless you allow numbers with leading 0s.
There are 76 such numbers. Eight more if you allow numbers to start with 0.
None. 3 digit numbers are not divisible by 19 digit numbers.
With a total of 90,000 five digit numbers, we can conclude that there is 45,000 EVEN five digit numbers.
There are five such numbers.
There are 21 two-digit prime numbers.
Definitely earlier than the year 2000. In April 2000, Portsmouth moved from six-digit local numbers to eight-digit numbers, as well as changing to the new, short area code of 023. (For example, Portsmouth City Council's number changed from 822251 to 92822251.) Instructions at the time referred only to how to convert six-digit local numbers to eight-digit numbers, so it is reasonable to assume that no five-digit numbers remained at that time.
Using the eight digits, 1 - 8 ,-- There are 40,320 eight-digit permutations.-- There is 1 eight-digit combination.