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Q: How many emails are sent per second?
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How many emails are sent in 1999?

According to recent studies there is over 294 Billion emails sent per day. Only 1.9 Billion of the 294 Billion emails were from actual people.

How many emails are sent per day?

It is estimated that approximately 182.9 billion emails are sent and received each day throughout the world. It is also estimated that by the year 2017, there will be 4.9 billion email accounts.

Number of text messages sent per second?


What is the date rate?

I think you mean data rate (bit rate), referring to how many kilobits per second are sent.

How emails are sent in 1 sec?

Computer data is sent over the internet in digital form - which travels at the speed of light (186,282 miles per second !). To put that into context... If you had a computer on the moon connected by a fibre-optic cable to one on Earth - an email would take around 1.25 seconds to travel the whole distance !

How many baud in 300 bytes per second?

Baud is the number of symbols per second. So if you have a parallel interface where the 8 bits are sent together, I guess 300 bytes per second equates to about 300 baud. With a serial interface, where each of the 8 bits is sent one after the other, extra start/stop bits are usually inserted between the 8 data bits, I guess 300 bytes per second equates to about 3000 baud. Baud is the number of changes per second. Since computers use binary number to store information, the baud rate is directly equivalent to the number of bits sent per second. Specifically, in an ASCII character set 8 bits are used to represent a character, 300 bits per second would equate to 37.5 characters per second which in turn is 2250 characters per minute. (just under 2 kilobytes per minute assuming no error correction overheads).

How many meters a second is feet per second?

1 foot per second = 0.3048 meters per second.

How many miles per hour per second is 27.7 meters per second?

0.000300405757 mph per second.

When writing business emails how many lines per paragraph are optimal?

4 to 5 lines.

How do you figure out how many emails you have in your gmail account?

The total number of emails can be seen on the top of the page. A page of Gmail normally shows 50 emails. You can also make the number of mails per page 100,150 etc.

How many meters per second are 1.52 revolutions per second?

It equals 9.67 metes per second.

How many meter per second equals 10 centimeter per second?

.10 meters per a second equals 10 meters per a second