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Two people die per second. :(

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Q: How many humans die per second?
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How many babies die per second?

Almost 36 babies die each second, which equates to 10 million each year.

How many people die in 1 second from cancer?

Answer12 people per second die Answer12 people per second die Answer1,000,000,000,999,999,999,999,999.1 actually you really don't know people die just not every one dies from cancer that is if you don't go to therapy .......

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On average, humans can move around 1.4 to 1.8 meters per second. This can vary depending on age, fitness level, and other factors.

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151 people per second die in the world calculating on 217,000 per day and 173 people per second are born on the calculation of 273,000 births per day. Main reason:Most popular types of cancer

How many people die per second in the world?

go to

How many births are there per hour?

4 people are born every second and 3 die every second soo......use a calculator!

How many meters a second is feet per second?

1 foot per second = 0.3048 meters per second.

How many miles per hour per second is 27.7 meters per second?

0.000300405757 mph per second.

How many meters per second are 1.52 revolutions per second?

It equals 9.67 metes per second.

How many meter per second equals 10 centimeter per second?

.10 meters per a second equals 10 meters per a second