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Q: How many equally likely outcomes are there in a 1 die roll?
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How many equally likely outcomes are there if you roll a dice?


Suppose you roll a regular 6-faced die How many equally likely outcomes are there?

If the cube is fair and balanced like Fox, then there are six equally likely outcomes,or so they would have you believe.

When all outcomes are equally likely?

... then all outcomes are equally likely. Nothing more, nothing less. You can always re-define the outcomes so that they are not all equally likely. For example, on a single roll of a fair die, the numbers 1 to 6 are equally likely. But redefine the events so that Event A = prime number Event B = composite number Event C = neither prime nor composite number then P(A) = 1/2, P(B) = 1/3 and P(C) = 1/6 : events with unequal likelihood.

How many different outcomes will you get if you roll 2 dice?

There are 36 possible outcomes.

What is a possible set of outcomes?

The set of possible outcomes is the set of different ways in which an event might or might not happen. Take a very simple example: If you roll a dice you will roll a 6 or a 5 or a 4 or a 3 or a 2 or a 1. So there are 6 different possible outcomes, all of which are equally probable. If you roll 2 dice at the same time the possible total scores are are from 2 ( a 1 and a 1) to 12 (a 6 and a 6), so there are 11 possible outcomes, but not all equally probable.

How many outcomes can there be if you roll 5 different colored dice?

There are 65 = 7776 outcomes.

How many outcomes are there with a roll of two dice?


How many outcomes if you rolled 1 die?

There are a total of six outcomes if you roll one die.

What is the most likely number to roll using a dice?

they are all equally likely, just like flipping a coin.

How many outcomes are there if you roll a dice?

Six on a standard die.

How many possible outcomes are there when you roll four dice?


How many favourable outcomes are possible if you roll a 6 sided die?

It depends what you consider favorable. There are 6 possible outcomes of a single roll of a 6-sided die.