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Q: How many equilateral triangles will be formed using six lines?
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How many possible equilateral triangles can be formed using above dotes?

You have to specifically give the problem with the dots, but it can form all equilateral triangles.. .. . .. . . .

How can you create two equilateral triangles using four matchsticks?

Cross two match sticks to bisect like X and place the other two match sticks at the base of the two equilateral triangles formed .

How can you make three equilateral triangles using six lines?

draw a big triangle then make a line halfway through it

Can tessellation be created by using equilateral triangles?


What shape can you make using four equilateral triangles?

A parallelogram.

How do you make a heptagon using 6 equilateral triangles?

Join the 6 triangles like pizza slices

What kind of four sided figure is made using two equilateral triangles?

Rohmbus is a four sided figure (quadrilateral) that is made up of two equilateral triangles

How do you make a sentence using equilateral?

Equilateral triangles are also equiangular.

How do you make a tessellation using a dodecagon square and triangle?

Place the dodecagons so that every third side of a dodecagon is adjacent to another. In the gaps that are formed insert four equilateral triangles so that these touch a pair of dodecagons. Finally, fill the gap between the triangles using a square.

How many triangles can be formed in octagon using the vertices of the octagon as the vertices of triangle?

There are 48 triangles that can be formed because 6 triangles can be formed usin each point multiplied by 8.

How to make 4 equilateral triangles by using 6 matchsticks?

Construct/make a tetrahedron, which is three-dimensional.

How many triangles from an N by using 3 straight lines?
