The simplest stellated polyhedral shape is the stellated tetrahedron with 12 faces (3 * 4) Others have more faces.
12 Faces, 30 Edges, 12 vertices
Many, an unspecified number. Poly, in Greek, means many. Polyhedra (singular polyhedron) means "many faced".
Bipyramids are a class of polyhedra with more faces than vertices.
There are many. All polyhedra have ONLY flat faces but many other shapes have flat faces such as a hemisphere or an octant or a cylinder.
Regular polyhedra have identical faces.
12 Faces, 30 Edges, 12 vertices
Many, an unspecified number. Poly, in Greek, means many. Polyhedra (singular polyhedron) means "many faced".
They are called "faces".
Bipyramids are a class of polyhedra with more faces than vertices.
There are infinitely many polyhedra with one or more triangular faces.
There are many. All polyhedra have ONLY flat faces but many other shapes have flat faces such as a hemisphere or an octant or a cylinder.
There are a few families of polyhedra with identical faces. There are none whose faces have 6 or more sides. There is no special name for polyhedra whose faces are pentagons or pentagrams. A dodecahedron is an example. If coplanar faces are disallowed, the only polyhedron with quadrilateral faces are the cube and rhombohedron. There are infinitely many polyhedra with equilateral triangular faces: the tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron are examples.
Regular polyhedra have identical faces.
There are infinitely many polyhedra all of whose faces are triangular.
A cube, a dodecahedron, an icosahedron amongst regular polyhedra. Many irregular polyhedra, including a prism.
10 * * * * * Polyhedra are named according to the number of faces that they have. So a 3d dodecagon, called a dodecahedron would have 12 faces.
There are infinitely many such polyhedra. A regular dodecahedron, for example.