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Two bases and three vertical sides make 5 faces.

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Q: How many faces does a triangular prisum?
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How many faces does a triangular prisum have?


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Triangular Prisum

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How many verices does a triangular prisum have?

Assuming the words are "vertices" and "prism" - despite the spelling - the answer is six.

How many shapes of faces does a triangular pyramid has?

A triangular pyramid has four triangular faces.

How many faces for a triangular pyramid?

There are four faces in a triangular pyramid.

Hoe many faces does a triangular pyramid have?

Four triangular faces.

How many faces does a triangular pyrmid have?

A triangular pyramid has 4 faces.

How many faces does a triangular prisam have?

A triangular prism has 5 faces.

Name 3 solids that have triangular faces tell how many triangular faces each one have.?

1. triangular prism it has 2 triangular faces. 2.triangular base pyramid, it has 5 triangular faces. 3. square base pyramid, it has 4 triangular faces.

How many does a rectangualar prisum have?

A prism with an n-sided base will have 2n vertices, n + 2 faces, and 3n edges.