About 146,885,000 men lived in the United States in 2008. The number is taken for the Census Bureau. Please see the related links for details.
If you live in the United States, probably pounds. If you live anywhere else, probably kilograms.
Men live on average seven years less than women; life expectancy in the United States is 72 years for men and 79 years for women.
According to estimations of the United States Census Bureau 9,446,291 men.
The TV show X Factor has auditions throughout the United States. Most of these people live in the US, but some have traveled abroad to have a shot.
a nadear family is a family that love god and want to live for him
If you live in NC, you live in the United States of America. NC stands for North Carolina, which is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States.
Around 63% of American households live in a single-family house. This is the most common type of housing in the United States.
They Live in the Untied states
People In the United States live in a Stratified Society
they live in the pacific ocean by the united states of america.
The Cyrus family primarily lives in the United States, with their main residence located in Los Angeles, California.
If You Live InChina Then You Can Not Adopt ANY Children.But If You Live In The United States Then You Can Adopt Children.
Yes, I live in the United States.
The Osbournes are a British family known for their reality TV show. They reside in the United Kingdom and have also lived in the United States.
United States
This question's answer is determined entirely based on where you live as the laws of different countries and different states within the United States are different. However, in all cases, it is necessary to contact an attorney. If you live within the United States, search for an attorney who advertises that he or she practices family law.