The coverage depends on the porosity and preparation of the surface being painted as well as the coverage of the paint. Look for details on the can of paint.
It depends on the paint, and the surface that you are painting - including its preparation.
Paint coverage differs depending on brand and type of paint. Most (if not all) paint cans will indicate that one gallon covers so many square feet. For example, Paint A says one gallon covers 200 square feet. That means 200 square feet will require one gallon, 50 square feet will require one quart, 400 square feet will require two gallons, etc.
The total surface area of the building is 12,000. That means you would divide 12,000 by 500 and receive an answer of 240. You need 240 gallons of paint.
It depends . . . check the back of the paint can -- it should tell. If not, figure 350 to 400 square feet per gallon on smoothish surfaces and perhaps 200 square feet on roughish surfaces.
An average gallon of latex house paint will cover 280 square feet
you will need 5 cans of paint.
If your drum is a 55 gallon drum and your paint can cover 400 square feet per gallon then you may cover (one coat only) a square almost 150 by 150 feet.
Approximately 250 sq. feet
About 250 sq. ft.
A gallon of paint one coat will cover about 300 square feet; if surface is very smooth about 400 sq ft,and if very rough maybe 150-200 sq feet
1 gallon of paint to cover about 350 square feet You need slightly more than a gallon if the walls are unpainted drywall, which absorbs more of the paint
For many paints, one gallon will cover 400 square feet. However, the quality of the paint can affect how much it will cover.
Anywhere from 300-500 square feet depending on the thickness/thinness of the paint, how many coats you're putting on from a single can, and how large the surface is you're painting. However, 300-500 square feet is an approximate average of how much a gallon of paint should cover.
(6-ft x 172-ft) / (200 square feet per gallon) = 5.16 gallons
The standard coverage for a gallon of interior paint, applied in a single coat, over a sealed or primed wall in good condition is approximately 400 square feet. Under similar circumstances a half gallon should cover approximately 200 square feet.
It depends on the percent of solids. To simplify this, after all the liquid (solvent) part has evaporated, the pigment (solids) is what remains. One gallon of paint having 100% pigment (solids) or no solvent in it, will cover 1600 square feet at 1 mil thickness. If one gallon of paint has 50% pigment (solids) and 50% liquid (solvent), then one gallon of paint would have a net or dry film of 800 square feet.