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35 mph = 51.33 feet per second.

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Q: How many feet per second traveled when going 35 MPH?
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If a plane is going 300 miles an hour how many feet per second will it travel in 4 hours?

A plane going 300 miles per hour is going 440 feet per second. (300 * 5280 / 60 / 60) In four hours, it will have traveled 1,200 miles, or 6,336,000 feet.

How many feet are traveled per second at 74 mph?

At 74 mph, approximately 108.53 feet are traveled per second. This is calculated by converting the speed from miles per hour to feet per second (1 mph is approximately equal to 1.47 feet per second).

How many feet traveled at 30 mph?

At 30 mph, an object is moving at about 44 feet every second.

How many feet traveled in one second doing 60kph?

At 60 kilometers per hour, the velocity is approximately 16.67 meters per second. So in one second, the distance traveled would be 16.67 meters, which is equivalent to approximately 54.79 feet.

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80 miles per hour equates to 117.3 feet per second.

How many feet per second are you going if your going 31.8 miles per hour?

31.8 mph = 46.64 feet per second

If you are going 230 miles per hour how many feet are you going per second?

337.3 feet per second at 230 mph

How many feet per second do you have to be traveling to be going 35 mph?

51.3333 feet per second

How many feet per second do you have to be traveling to be going 30 mph?

44 feet per second.

How many feet does a car which was going 30 mph?

44 feet per second.

The elevator is going 75 seconds to travel 500 feet how many miles is it going?

You out 500 over 5280 and get a decimal answer and that should be how many miles it has traveled.

If traveling at two feet per second how many miles have you traveled in one hour?

At two feet per second, you will travel 1.364 miles in one hour.