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Q: How many fifteenths are equivalent to 215?
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What fraction is equivalent to 5 fifteenths?

There are many, but the simplest form is 1/3

What is one fifth equivalent to?

Three fifteenths.

What are equivalent fractions for five fifteenths?

Equivalent fractions for five fifteenths are 1/3, 1000/3000, 20/60, 50/150, etc.

Is one fifth equivalent to three fifteenths?


What is the decimal equivalent of fourteen fifteenths?

0.93333 repeating

What fraction is equivalent to eleven fifteenths?


Is ten fifteenths bigger than four sixths?

They are equivalent.

What is fraction is equivalent to eight fifteenths?

8/15 - that is a fraction

What is The Equivalent fraction to ten fifteenths?

It is: 10/15 = 2/3

Can 4 fifths and twelve fifteenths be a common multiple?

No, they are equivalent fractions.

What equals nineteen fifteenths?

19/15 is the equivalent of 38/30

What are two equivalent fractions for 5 fifteenths?

1/3 or 10/30