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Q: How many fixture values can you have on a 1 inch water main?
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What size is your water pipe?

1/2 inch copper/plastic pipe is standard for water2" water main then the branches are sized to properly supply fixture unit demand with out excessive velocity which can cause erosion and hydraulic shock

How many two inch water services will an eight inch water main supply?

16 of them.

What size should a cold water main be?

a cold water main should be a minimum of 3/4" and to figure the right size of main you will need to look up in the UPC and figure out all your fixture units and PSI and elevation

What is the minimum amount of fall allowed on main sewer lines?

1/16 per inch BUT the pipe must be at least 8" diameter and then only 1440 Fixture units can be connected If you increase pitch to 1/2" per ft then you can go up to 2300 fixture unites

How many gallons of water per minute can you get out of a 1 inch water main 50 psi?


What is the pupose of a check valve on recirculating hot water system?

The check valve is a directional valve. Hot water needs to be piped from the top of the tank to the fixture, because that is where the hottest water in the tank is. If a return line is tied into the bottom of the tank, a directional valve (check valve) should be installed between the heater and the pump. That's what they taught me don't know if it really matter upstream or down stream. If you don't have a check valve the water could flow through the return line to the fixture instead of through the supply pipe and the water at the fixture might not be hot enough.

Do you need a water shut off for an ice maker?

In most countries, the law clearly states that any fixture which draws water and comes from a live main feed shall always have a water shut off valve.

How much water pressure is needed for a irrigation system with a half inch main supply?


What is the proper procedure for locating and operating a plumbing shut off valve in case of an emergency?

To locate and operate a plumbing shut off valve in case of an emergency, first, find the main water shut off valve near the water meter or where the main water line enters your home. Turn the valve clockwise to shut off the water supply. To shut off a specific fixture, like a sink or toilet, look for the shut off valve near the fixture and turn it clockwise to stop the water flow.

What type of water pipe is best to use in a home?

That depends on the number of fixture units in the house. Usually, your county or city building inspector can show you how to count up fixture units according to the local building code. BUT . . . if you have a normal house with 2 toilets, a shower, a bathtub, and 3 sinks, you might need a 3/4-inch water service. In my town, the minimum size is 1-inch, so that if you add anything in future years, the meter and pipe will deliver sufficient flow at a good pressure. If your house is very large and there is an irrigation sprinkler system, then it might turn out that a 1-1/4-inch or even a 1-1/2-inch meter and pipe would be necessary.

How close can you mount a light fixture to a water line?

Your main concern in installing anything near a water line is to avoid accidentally driving a nail or screw into the pipe, causing a leak. Therefore it is prudent to allow a separation of at least a few inches. Other than that, there is no reason why a light fixture cannot be close to a water line. The wires are insulated, so they are not going to short circuit as a result of the metal pipe.

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