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"Foot-lbs" is a unit of energy, whereas "horsepower" is a unit of power,

which is the same as the rate of using energy.

1 horsepower = 550 foot-pounds per second

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Q: How many foot pounds is 1 horsepower?
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How do you calculate pounds feet and seconds into horsepower?

To convert pounds-feet per second into horsepower, use the formula: Horsepower = (pounds-feet per second) / 550 This conversion assumes that 1 horsepower is equivalent to 550 pounds-feet per second.

helicopter lifting 800 pounds unit rate of 200 feet per minute how many horsepower of work energy?

Using: 1 horsepower = 550 foot-pounds per second800 x 200 = 160,000 foot-pounds per minute = 160,000/60 foot-pounds per second.# Horsepower = 160,000/60 x 550 = 428/33 = 4.848 HP (rounded)

How much horsepower is needed to lift 220 lbs 30 inches in 10 seconds?

1 horsepower = 550 foot-pounds per second 30 inches = 2.5 feet (2.5) x (220)/10 = 550 foot pounds per 10 seconds = 1/10th of a horsepower.

How much energy does it take to produce a horsepower?

Enough to raise 550 pounds of the horse 1 foot high. That is 555 foot pounds. Electrically it takes 746 watts of power

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the American sae rating for 1 mechanical horsepower is equat to what in lb-ft/min?

How fast is 165 horsepower?

Horsepower is the amount of energy the engine can produce, many other factors such as the weight of the vehicle greatly affect how horsepower corellates to speed. In exact numbers though, 1 Horse Power can move 33,000 pounds one foot in one minute or more simply 1 HP can move 375 pounds at 1mph.

What is the horsepower of the pump if the height is 75 feets?

we still need the flow volume required, and the type of fluid to answer this question. But essentially, how much energy (in ft lbs per minute in this case) will it take to lift the appropriate number of foot pounds of fluid in 1 minute. Get the foot pounds for 1 horsepower.

How many inch pounds are in 25 foot pounds?

1 foot = 12 inches(1 foot) pound = (12 inch) pounds(18 foot) pounds = (18 x 12) = 216 inch pounds

How many kips is equal to 1 foot pounds?

1 kip is equal to 1000 pounds-force. Foot-pounds is a unit of torque, not force. To convert kips to foot-pounds, you need to know the length of the lever arm in feet that the force is acting on.

If 8 pounds are in a square foot how many pounds are in a square inch?

About 1/2 pound.

What are Inch pounds compared to foot pounds?

The conversion between inch pound and foot pounds are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . So, 1 foot pounds =12 inch pounds .

14 foot pounds is equal to how many inch pounds?

14 foot pounds is equal to 168 inch pounds, as there are 12 inches in a foot.