An infinite number, as those four sides can be shrunk, grown, twisted, and changed an infinite number of times.
The number of types of four-sided shapes are finite, however:
No, there are many four sided shapes. The Square is one of them. Others include rectangle,trapezoid, parellelogram, and rhombus
There are many such shapes and there is no specific name.
Impossible shapes. They are four sided shapes with three sides!
No, there are many four sided shapes. The Square is one of them. Others include rectangle,trapezoid, parellelogram, and rhombus
No. All four sided shapes are quadrilateral.
There are many such shapes and there is no specific name.
Impossible shapes. They are four sided shapes with three sides!
They are called Quadrilaterals.
No but they are all quadrilaterals
square,rectangle and hectagon
Rectangles and squares.
Yes all 4 sided quadrilaterals will tessellate