The mass of a bowl full of cereal depends on the size of the bowl. The bigger the bowl the larger the mass.
Depends on the bowl size.
Super Bowl MMIII.
The Super Bowl that was played on February 5, 2006, was Super Bowl (40). The Roman numerals were XL.
2013 was Super Bowl 47 so XLVII
Apples emit ethylene gas. This agent will ripen soft fruits such as kiwi, peaches, or nectarines. Bananas emit the same gas, so be careful when you mix your fruit in the bowl. Oh...and keep them away from roses too.
There are lots of human foods you can feed wild birds, such as bread crumbs, sunflower seeds, chopped nuts and fruits (such as apples and pears), and raisins. I even have all types of birds that fly down to my dog's food bowl on the patio and eat the dry dog food, but the kinds with smaller pieces are much easier for them to eat. Anything that is raw and unprocessed is OK.
most people put there apples in a fruit bowl
Transfer it to a bowl, cover it and place it in a fridge
They should eat a bowl of fruits and a bowl of vegetables
Apples and oranges.
C. A bowl filled with apples is the more porous of the four. Porosity is a function of the size of the fruit. The larger the fruit, the more porous the bowl will be (the more air or water that can be placed in the bowl). The smaller the fruit, the less porous the bowl will be. Compare with a bowl of stones and a bowl of sand. The stones are more porous because the sand can be more densely compacted, leaving very little room for water.
My faveourite dish doesn't really have a name but here it is you need honeydew melon, cantalope, watermellon, honey, liquid vanilla (optional), almonds, cashews, raspberrys and brown sugar (white is OK-ish). cut the melon's into cubes chop the nuts into small peices get 1 tablespoon of honey and add vanilla, mix with small object put melon cubes in bowl add rasberries and nuts drizzle honey on top sprinkle 2 tablespoons of brown sugar on fruits. taaa daaaa!
A what of pears
no it will not spoil the rest of the apples because it is not contagious. it may make the ones that it's touching not look as tasty as the rest but it doesn't make it spoil.