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Only .2 of a gallon of gas

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Q: How many gallons bio fuel could be produced of 1 acre of corn?
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Related questions

How many gallons of ethanol are produced from an acre of corn?

Generally speaking about 300 gallons per acre.

How many gallons of water needed to grow one acre of corn?

Corn takes between one to two gallons per plant on a weekly basis. An acre of corn take 350,000 gallons of water over the 100 day growing cycle.

How many Gallons of ethanol are produced per bushel of corn?

Roughly 2.8 gallons of ethanol can be produced from one bushel of corn using current technology.

How much water does an acre of corn transpire in one day?

On average, an acre of corn transpires about 4,000 to 5,000 gallons of water per day. Transpiration rates can vary depending on factors like temperature, humidity, and stage of crop development.

How many people would 1 gallon of corn feed?

dont know 4-8 people 1-2 meals depending on this 4 big portion........................8 i would small to ok

The mass of some corn plants at the end of the growth. Was 6 tons per acre most of this mass was produced from?

water from the soil and and carbon dioxide from the air.

How many acre feet of water does it take to water an acre of corn?

An acre is a constant unit of measurement - an acre of anything is equal to an acre of anything else.

How many bushels of corn per acre Pennsylvania?

The average yield of corn per acre in Pennsylvania is around 160 bushels. However, this number can vary depending on factors such as weather conditions, soil quality, and farming practices.

What is the average yield per acre of corn in kentucky?

150 bushels per acre

How many bushels of corn per acre average in Texas?

For the 2009 crop season, Texas' average corn yield was 108 bushels per acre.

How many servings is in a gallon of corn many gallons of canned corn does it take to feed 200 people?

Two gallons

What American crop was high yield per acre was easy to cultivate and could be used as food for both human and livestock?
