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On average, an acre of corn transpires about 4,000 to 5,000 gallons of water per day. Transpiration rates can vary depending on factors like temperature, humidity, and stage of crop development.

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Q: How much water does an acre of corn transpire in one day?
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It depends.

How much water needed for the corn to grow?

It varies depending on how much natural precipitation is available, but in the driest parts of the US, a good corn crop can still be harvested from 6,000 gallons of water per bushel of grain harvested. That works out to about 3.7 acre-feet of water over the course of the growing season.

How much corn silage can you get from 1 acre of land?

It varies a lot depending on the condition of the corn crop, but 15 to 30 tons is common.

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4.0 acre-feet

How much oxygen does an acre of corn produce?

According to the USDA, one acre of corn removes about 8 tons of carbon dioxide from the air in a growing season. At 180 bushels per acre, corn produces enough oxygen to supply a year's needs for 131 people.

How much is per acre?

Land per acre really depends on the location. Land on the water is much more expensive per acre than land in the city.

How much is land per acre?

Land per acre really depends on the location. Land on the water is much more expensive per acre than land in the city.

How many kilogrammes of urea are applied in one acre of corn?

The amount of urea applied per acre of corn can vary depending on factors such as soil fertility, corn variety, and desired yield. On average, farmers typically apply around 90-100 kg of urea per acre when planting corn. It's important to conduct soil tests and consult with agricultural experts to determine the appropriate amount for your specific situation.

How much can you make selling corn per acre?

It depends on how good the corn is and how much corn grain the field has produced, but it could be as much as $3,000. This assumes you are asking about ordinary field corn. Specialty types of corn can be worth much more. I know of one instance where a farmer received over $5,000 per acre (gross value before input costs taken out) for a crop of hybrid sweet corn seed.

How much water is in the Kokomo reservoir?

The Kokomo reservoir is 484-acre water supply.

How much water can you take from the reservoirs?

The Kokomo reservoir is 484-acre water supply.