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0.3672 gallon per foot of pipe.

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Q: How many gallons in a 3 inch pipe?
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How many gallons of water in a 3 inch pipe 15 feet long?

5.5 gallons per 15 feet of 3-inch pipe.

How many gallons of water will a foot of 3 inch pipe hold?

One foot of 3 inch pipe will hold approximately 0.625 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water does 100 feet of 3 inch hold?

100 feet of 3-inch pipe holds 36.73 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water would be in a 6 inch pipe that was 3 miles long?


How many gallons of water per foot will a 3 inch diameter pipe hold?

Over 9,000.

How many gallons of water could be in a 3 quarter inch diameter pipe x 1200' long?

22.9 Imperial gallons, approx.

How many gallons of water are in 1300 feet in a 3 inch pipe?

It will hold 477.4 gallons of water per 1,300-foot section.

How many gallons of water are in one inch by fifteen inch pipe?

The volume of the pipe is V=PI*(r ^2)*h V=3.14*(7.5"^2)*1" = 176.714 in^3. There is 231 cubic inches in a gallon. 176.714 in^3/231 in^3 = 0.765 Gallons.

How many gallons of water in a 3 inch pipe?

The volume of water in a pipe depends on its length as well as its diameter. To calculate the volume of water in a 3-inch pipe, you would need to know the length of the pipe as well. Once you have that information, you could use the formula for the volume of a cylinder (πr^2h, where r is the radius of the pipe and h is the length of the pipe) to find the volume in cubic inches, which can then be converted to gallons.

How many cubic feet are in a 3-inch pipe that is 10' long full of water?

This pipe can hold up to 0.5 cubic foot or 3.7 gallons of water.

How many gallons per foot in a 3 pipe?

For a 3 foot diameter pipe, 52.9 US gallons per foot of length.

How many gallons in a 12x12x24 inch tank?

By unit of volume and conversion ,we can say that volume =24 X23X12=6624 inch 3 1 inch 3=0.004329 6624 inch 3=28.6753247 gallons