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956 gallons.

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Q: How many gallons in a 9 ft round by 2 ft tall pool?
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How many gallons of water are in a 4 foot 18 inch round pool?

If that is 4 feet tall and 18 inches in diameter, it would be 16.83 gallons.

How many gallons does a 27 by 52 tall pool hold?

If this is a round pool that is 27 feet across by 52 inches tall and you fill it with 4 feet (48 inches) of water, the total volume would be 17,204 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water would a 24 foot round pool 4 foot tall pool hold?

If you filled it all the way to the top it would be holding about 15,594 gallons of water. If you filled it to three feet deep, it decreases to around 10,200 gallons.

How many gallon of water for a 12foot round pool 4foot tall?

Length x width x average depth x 5.9 gallons per cubic foot (that is the factor used in round pools) = 3,398 US Gallons.

If you have a 12 ft round pool with 40 inch tall walls approximately how many gallons of water would it hold?

If you filled it all the way to the top (40") it would hold about 2,830 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water would a 12-foot round 3-foot tall pool hold?

Well...Well, that qestion is actually impossible to answer because you didn't tell us how tall it is. However, I can tell you that for each foot you go up in the pool it will take roughly 846 Gallons of water. Multiply that by the actual height and there you go! From backyardcity:If you have a 12 ft round with 48 inch tall walls, your pool would hold approximately 2,975 gallons.If you have a 12 ft round with 52 inch tall walls, your pool would hold approximately 3,398 gallons.These are the standard sizes so I bet your pool is one of those sizes.

How many gallons in 18 inch round by 42 inch tall vessel?

Assuming 18 inch round is a measure of the circumference, the volume is approx 0.96 Imperial gallons.

How many gallons of water will a pool hold that is 120 feet long 64 feet wide and 7 feet tall?

402124.8 gallons of water

How many gallons are in an 18-foot vinyl pool?

30536.28 gallons By figuring your pool's depth, you can then determine how much water your pool holds. This is how you would find the average depth: shallow end depth + deep end depth divided by 2. Rectangular pool: Lenght x Width x average depth x 7.5 total gallons. Oval pool: full width x full length x average depths x 5.9 total gallons. Sloping sides: If your pool has sloping sides, multiply the final figure by .85. Hope this helps. === === An 18 foot round by 42``tall pool holds 7300 to 7500 gal.

How many cubic feet in a 24 foot wide by 4 foot tall round pool?

1809.56 ft3

How many gallons of water is in a tank 15 feet by 7 feet?

If this is a round tank, 15 feet wide and 7 feet tall, there would be 1237 gallons.

If a pool is 4 feet tall with a 15 feet diameter at top and an 18 feet diameter at bottom how many gallons of water is that?

Assuming that the pool diamater diminishes 1 foot for each foot of height, and the pool is filled to the top, the total capacity would be about 6439 gallons.