It depends on the fuel efficiency of your vehicle as well as your driving style, road conditions etc.
At 25 mpg, it will take 4.12 gallons.
It depends on mpg
At 22 mi/gal, it will take 33 gallons.
That depends. Are you driving a Moped, a Toyota, or a Peterbilt ?
Take the car you drive, miles you drive per year, mileage of the vehicle divided into total miles will give you gallons used.6,000 miles driven by a car getting 30 mpg means it used 200 gallons.
At 25 mpg, it will take 4.12 gallons.
47.32 Gallons
Assuming a car that gets an average of 25 miles per gallon, it would take 48 gallons of gas to drive 1200 miles.
At 20 mi/gal, it will take 2.6 gallons.
It depends on mpg
To find out how many gallons of gas it will take to drive 522 miles, you need to know how many miles per gallon or MPG your car will get. Use the formula 522miles/x = y, where x = MPG and y = the number of gallons needed.
At 22 mi/gal, it will take 33 gallons.
Depends on the fuel efficiency of your vehicle.
26.8 Gallons Worked out by 670 miles divided by 25.
About 15.6
Depends on engine and how carefully you drive.
That depends. Are you driving a Moped, a Toyota, or a Peterbilt ?