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1 acre = 43560 sq.feet. 1 foot deep water over an acre is 43560 cubic feet, which is 325851.4 gallons in 1 foot deep. If it is 1 inch deep (1/12 foot) then it is 27154.3 gallons in 1 inch deep.

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Q: How many gallons of water could be in an acre?
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How many gallons in six acre feet of water?

Six acre-feet of water is about 1,955,109 US gallons.

How many gallons of water are in an acre-foot?

One acre-foot is about 325,851 US gallons.

How many gallons of water are in 15 acres?

I'm assuming you mean acre feet of water. If that is the case, then there are 325,850.58 gallons in one acre foot of water or 4,887,758.7 gallons of water in 15 acre feet of water.

How many gallons are in 1135 acre-feet of water?

1,135 acre-feet of water equates to 369,841,371 US gallons.

How many gallons of water are contained in a volume of 22 acre-feet?

22 acre-feet equates to 7,169,000 gallons of water.

How many Gallons of water is there in 0.7 acre feet?

228,096 gallons

How many gallons of water in 1 acre foot?

325,900 gallons.

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8 billion gallons is 24,551 acre-feet.

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One acre of wetlands can store up to 360,000 gallons of water One acre of wetlands can store up to 360,000 gallons of water

If i irrigate 3000 gallons of water over 4 acres how many inches per acre?

To find out how many inches of water are being applied per acre, you can use the formula: inches of water per acre = (total gallons of water * 0.133681) / total acres. In this case, 3000 gallons of water divided by 4 acres equals 750 gallons per acre. To convert gallons to inches, multiply 750 by 0.133681 to get approximately 100 inches of water per acre.

How many gallons of water are in half an acre?

It depends on the depth of the water. Assuming the water in one inch deep, there would be about 13,577 gallons of water in the half acre.

How many gallons of water equals four inches of rain on an acre?

One inch of rainfall on one acre is equivalent to 27,154 gallons of water. Therefore, four inches of rain on an acre would be equal to 108,616 gallons of water.