Let's estimate. V = 5 x 1.5 x 1.5 = 11.25 cubic feet
11.25 x 7.5 = 84.375 gallons
885 gallons.
7,646 gallons.
Divide the trip of 2400 by 12 to get number of total gallons needed=200 and divide that by the 24 gallons at each fill up to get number of fill ups = 8.333...
This pool can hold up to about 15,148 gallons of water. (this would fill the pool to the very top).
Fill the fuel tank to the top and record the mileage. The next time you fill up record the mileage and number of gallons. Now divide the number of gallons into the number of miles driven since last fill up and you will have the mpg.
Depends on the bathtub.
672 cupsA standard bathtub holds 42 gallons when it is filled up to the overflow.16 cups = gallon672 cups = 42 gallons = one standard bathtub
Many large cars and vans fill up to 20 gallons.
24.5 gallons to fill up
A replacement fuel tank is 27 gallons, so a couple of gallons less should fill it up.
That depends a great deal on the type and size of tub as well as on how deep you fill it. Most people are not going to fill the tub up as much for small children as they will for an adult and a really big and fat person cannot put as much water into the tub as a short, skinny person (unless they want the tub to overflow). Typical bathtubs used in the USA can hold 40 to 60 gallons of water - but if you fill them to the top you will overflow the water when you get in.
2 and 1 half
57,000 gallons or 216,000 liters of fuel.
885 gallons.