

How many gigs does 21 take up?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: How many gigs does 21 take up?
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With thousands of songs and many movies i guess.

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not even one gig. word formats take up very Little room, unless you are still using floppy discs, if so UPGRADE!

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a lot. And it should take u a long time 2 fill it up

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allods takes up five giga bytes and computers well most of them come with five gb's so i down loaded it and it screwed up my whole computer so i would not reccomend downloading it...

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no its not all it does is take up nine gigs and what do you get a ripoff game i used to have it and it does cost money to buy items its not worth it

Why does it take so long to download an ISO?

It all depends on the size of the file, and your internet connection. ISO files are large compressed image files used to boot CD/DVD's and there installed files. They can be up to 10 gigs easily. With a 100KB line, 4 gigs will take a few hours. With a 5KB line like dial up it will takes weeks.

How many GBs for Minecraft PC?

It depends if you are talking about RAM or HD space. 4 gigs ram would be a good start. The game itself only takes up a few hundred megabytes on the HD but can grow to a few gigs of space with many larger world/maps. My server folder alone with all my different multiplayer maps is almost 4 gigs.

How many gigs is the Lord of the Rings take on an iPod Touch?

haha, I have all three on mine. all together they take up about 5.7 GB. they're much longer than most movies, hence the bigger size. but they're so worth it on your ipod! ;)

What is the best gigs on a desktop computer?

Desktops support up to 4gb Ram per slot. Many personal desktops support 4-6 slots. So 24 Gigs would be the highest amount of ram for a high end personal desktop