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It depends on the radioisotope. They do not all have the same half life.

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Q: How many half lives does it take for half of a radioisotope to dissipate?
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If .0463 g of a radioisotope remained after five half lives then the original mass was how many grams?

.0463g*25 =1.4816g

Half-life of a radioisotope is?

The half-life of a radioisotope is the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to undergo radioactive decay. It is a fixed characteristic of each radioisotope and can vary widely, from fractions of a second to billions of years. The concept of half-life is crucial in understanding the rate of radioactive decay and in numerous applications in science and technology.

What is radioisotope in a sentence?

A radioisotope is an unstable form of an element that emits radiation as it decays.

How many half-lives have passed?

To determine how many half-lives have passed, you would need to divide the total time passed by the half-life of the substance. The result would give you the number of half-lives that have occurred.

How many half-lives have carbon gone through if 37245 years have passed and one half-life for carbon is 5730 years?

6.5 half-lives.

How many half-lives have passed after 32 days?

If ' L ' is the number of days in one half-life, then the number of half-lives in 32 days is (32 / L) .

How many half-lives have passed if 12.5 of a radioactive sample are left?

3 At the end of the first half life, there will theoretically be 50% remaining. 2 half lives: 25% 3 half lives:12.5 %

How many half-lives have occurred in a rock containing one-fourth parent material and three-fourths daughter material?

2 half-lives have.

How many half-lives have passed in a rock containing one eighth of the original radioactive material and seven eighths of the daughter product?

3 half-lives

How many half life of gold-198 will pass after 16 3 days?

Just over 6 half lives.

How many half lifes with in plutonium?

Plutonium-239, a common isotope of plutonium, has a half-life of about 24,100 years. To calculate the number of half-lives, divide the total time by the half-life. For example, in 48,200 years, there would be 2 half-lives.

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