There are 28 days in February 2013, as it is not a leap year. So 24 x 28 = 672 hours.
That will depend on the month. In a month with 31 days, there are 744 hours. In a month with 30 days, there are 720 hours. In a leap year February, with 29 days, there are 696 hours. In a normal year February, with 28 days, there are 672 hours.
744 hours in a 31 day month and in a 30 day month there is 720 hours in a 29 day month there is 696 hours and subtract 24 to 696 and it subtracts to the sum of a 28 day month in february
There are 60 minutes x 60 seconds for 24 hours, multiplied by 28 60*60*24*28=2,419,200 seconds 60*24*28=40,320 minutes 24*28=672 hours those are the time measurements for a regular month of February
There are 730 hours in 1 month.
A 29 day month has 696 hours, a 30 day month has 720 hours, and a 31 day month has 744 hours.
That will depend on the month. In a month with 31 days, there are 744 hours. In a month with 30 days, there are 720 hours. In a leap year February, with 29 days, there are 696 hours. In a normal year February, with 28 days, there are 672 hours.
672 in non leap years
744 hours in a 31 day month and in a 30 day month there is 720 hours in a 29 day month there is 696 hours and subtract 24 to 696 and it subtracts to the sum of a 28 day month in february
There are 60 minutes x 60 seconds for 24 hours, multiplied by 28 60*60*24*28=2,419,200 seconds 60*24*28=40,320 minutes 24*28=672 hours those are the time measurements for a regular month of February
There are 730 hours in 1 month.
730.484398 hours are in a month according to google
depends how many hours they work and use a calculator to do how many hours they work a day and times it by how many days in a month.
120 minutes per month is 2 hours per month.
A 29 day month has 696 hours, a 30 day month has 720 hours, and a 31 day month has 744 hours.
About 730.5 hours.
About 744. Hours
There were 28 days in February 1994.