61320, 61344 or 61368 depending on the number of leap years in the period.
There are 365 days in the normal year. So that 365/5 = 73 'sets of five-day periods. If every five-day period is somehow 'equal' to 7 hours, then 73 of them would be 'equal' to 511 hours total.
7 days in an ordinary year and 7 days and 6 hours in a leap year.
It depends on which year.
1,260 hours in the state of Texas. Going 180 days, 7 hours a day
There are 180 days in a school year. Most schools go for 7 hours. If you multiply 180 x 7 x 11 you get 13860
If one is am and the other is pm, there are 7 hours in this period. If they are both am or pm, there are 5 hours in this period.
There are 365 days in the normal year. So that 365/5 = 73 'sets of five-day periods. If every five-day period is somehow 'equal' to 7 hours, then 73 of them would be 'equal' to 511 hours total.
7-9 hours
About 10-12 hours
7-9 hours
7-8 hours is optimum
About 7 to 8 hours.
An average on 7 to 8 hours a day.
7-8 hours is optimum
7 days in an ordinary year and 7 days and 6 hours in a leap year.
1 hr