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Q: How many hours can an employer require you to work in a 24 hour period?
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How long do Bison sleep?

Around four hours over a 24 hour period.

What is the legal amount of overtime hours a person can work within a 2 week pay period in Florida?

I believe Federal law requires any person to have at least 8 hours off the clock between shifts, so the max hours anyone could work would be 16 in any one 24 hour period. When overtime starts depends upon the employer - some require 40 hours at work (not on paid leave) before overtime pay starts, for others overtime begins after 8 hours at work.

How many hours do you get paid for when called in to work for one hour?

Depends on what your deal with your employer is, some have a minimum rate of 3 hours.

Can you return a car after 72 hours in Georgia?

There is no cooling off period in Georgia. The 72 hour back out law applies to door to door sales that require payments overtime.

Can an employer make you work 6 days without pay if your salaried?

An employer cannot make you work ANY days without pay. Hourly workers get paid for every hour. Salaried-overtime - exempt workers get paid for whole days or not at all for a day. Work 1 hour and you earn a days pay. Work 20 hours in a 24-hour period, and you earn a day's pay.

Can the employer bank hours from the employee?

Usually 'banking' hours is not allowed. You have to be paid for every hour you work, and get time and a half for any hours over 40.

If you work on a car at work can your employer refuse to pay for not completing a checklist?

In general, an employer must pay you for every hour that you work. This even includes time that the employer feels you did not do a good job. The employer can write you up or discipline you in other ways, but he or she cannot withhold pay for hours worked.If you are not being paid for all the hours that you worked, you should contact the U.S. Wage and Hour Division, or your state Department of Labor.

How many hours will it take to drive 862 miles?

It will require one hour if you maintain an average speed of 862 miles per hour. It will require two hours if you maintain an average speed of 431 miles per hour. If your average speed is 60 miles per hour it will require about 14 hours and 20 minutes of driving time to end the trip. If you have access to a good motor speedway, you should expect faster times.

Do full time jobs require working 40 hours or 35 hours a week?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not set a definite amount of hours for full-time employment. It is generally up to each individual employer to set its own full-time hour requirement.

What 1 hour and 45 minutes as a decimal?

1.75 Hours, because an hour is sixty minutes, each 15 min period counts as 1/4 of an hour, or 0.25 hours.

By law can your employer mandate you to work seven days straight?

No, your employer can not require you to work seven days straight. According to federal law, you are allowed at least a 24 hour break in the work week.

I worked 60 hours at 15 per hour. My employer paid me 10 for 85 hours. What benefit does the company have for doing this?

60 hours @ 15 per hour is 60*15 = 900 Instead, you got 85 hours @ 10 per hour = 850 So the company saved 50 because you could not do your multiplications!