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That's going to depend on a few things. Here are the ones we can think of right now:

-- the capacity of the air conditioning system

-- how many rooms there are in the house or building

-- how well the building is insulated

-- how many windows the structure has, and which way they face

-- the local climate of the place where the building stands

-- how many people live or work in the building

-- how many hours a day each of them spends there

-- what each of them does while he/she is there

-- what heat-producing things go on in the building, such as cooking, working out, etc.

-- how often people go in and out of the building

-- whether any of them leaves the door open when they enter or leave

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Q: How many hours does a central air conditioner unit run in one day?
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How much does a central air conditioner unit cost?

about 722$

How long does freon last in a central air conditioner unit?

The refrigerant (freon) in any air conditioner should last the life of the unit. If not, you have a leak.

How many amps are needed to efficiently run a central air conditioner unit?

depends greatly on size usually assessed in tonnage how old the unit is and more

Can you use a wall air conditioner in a window?

Yep. You get it in there. you can use a central unit if you can get it in there.

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What would a central air conditioner cost to install?

The cost of installing a central air conditioner depends on the unit as well as the size of your house. It can cost you anywhere from $1,500 to $1,5000.

What are the best practices for protecting central air conditioner units during the winter, including the use of central air conditioner covers for winter?

To protect central air conditioner units during winter, it is recommended to clean and inspect the unit, remove debris, cover the unit with a specialized cover, and ensure proper drainage to prevent damage from snow and ice buildup. Using a central air conditioner cover designed for winter can help protect the unit from harsh weather conditions and prolong its lifespan.

Is air conditioner purchased for the computer room a leasehold improvement or furniture and equipment?

Depending on whether the air conditioner is a "central operating unit" or if it is a "stand alone unit". The stand alone is an equipment purchase whereas a "central" is now part of the building.

Were does a thermostat gets its power from on a central air conditioner?

The furnace or air handling unit in the house.

What happens when central air conditioner freeze?

my copper lines freezing on central air unit.

How do you hardwire an air conditioner?

If the unit is a permitted piece of equipment, like a central Air conditioning unit, it gets hardwired. If the unit is removable , such as a window unit, it will have a cord on it.

How can i Add genetron 22 to my air conditioner?

Unless you are epa certified you shouldn't add any r22 to your air conditioner. And if you are, you should probably already know... It depends on what type of unit it is. Is it a central split unit or a window unit?