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It varies tremendously from one part of the world to another

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Q: How many hours does it rain in a year?
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How many inches of rain does Asia get a year?

How many feet of rain does the Amazon rain forest get each year?

954 feet a year.

How many hours of sunlight is there in African deserts?

The Sahara receives 3,000 to 4,000 hours of bright sunlight each year. Most of the Sahara only receives around 0.79 inches of rain annually.

How many inches of rain does a rain forest get in a year?

250 cm

How many hours or in a year?

8,766 hours in one year.

Is 6 12 inches of rain a lot?

Over a few hours - yes...Over a year - no.

How many hours does it take to get 5 inches of rain?

over night

How many times a year does Texas get rain?

52 times a year

One year is how many hours?

One year is about 8,765.81 hours.

About how many hours are in a year?

8,765.81 hours.

How many days of the year does it rain in America?

about 164

What is the duration of Even the Rain?

The duration of Even the Rain is 1.73 hours.