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Q: How many hours does it take mars to turn around?
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How many hours does it take mars to rotate around the sun?

50 hours

How many hours does it take Mars to revolve around the sun?

687 days, multiply by 24 to put it into hours.

How long does it take mars to go around the sun in hours?

It takes Mars approximately 1.88 Earth years to orbit the sun once. This is equal to about 17,569 hours.

How many Earth days does it take for Mars to turn 360 degrees around?

It takes about 24.6 hours for Mars to complete one full rotation, called a "solar day." So it takes approximately 24.6 Earth days for Mars to make a full 360-degree rotation with respect to the Sun.

How many hours and minute less does it take mars than earth to rotate the sun?

it takes about 6 months earth time for mars to rotate around the sun

How many hours does mars take to rotate on axis?

It takes 24.7 hours.

How many hours does it take mars to orbit the sun?


How many hours does it take to get to mars?

About 6000 hours, but that's only very approximate.

How long does mars take to spin once around its axis?

Mars takes about 24.6 hours to complete one full rotation on its axis, which is slightly longer than an Earth day.

How long would it take for mars to roatate on its axis?

It would take 24 hours and 37 minuets for mars to rotate once. It would take 687 days for mars to rotate around the sun. -Rachel Hagara

How many hours dose it take mars to make a rotation?

9 days

How long does it take mars to spin once around its axis?

It takes about 24 hours and 37 minutes.