1 hour
OK, here we go. 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours = 86,400 seconds in a day. 365 days x 75 years = 27,375 days in 75 years. 86,400 seconds x 27,375 days = 2,365,200,000 seconds in 75 years. A year is 365.25 therefore making the answer 2,366,820,000 seconds.
657,435.75 hours.
657,435.958 hours.
In a year it ranges from 120k to millions. In a lifetime they make about 75 million.
There are 168 hours in one week. Therefore, 75 hours is equal to 75/168 = 0.446428571 recurring (that is, 0.446428571428571...) weeks.
75/60 = 1.25 or one and a quarter hours
440/75=5.86667 hours
665/75= 8.87 hours
1.25 hours = 75 minutes.