It depends a lot, hours of what, and at what quality. For a typical MP3 file (music or other sounds), I estimate 1 MB per minute, so 1 GB would give you a thousand minutes (about 17 hours). However, the space used by sound files, per minute, can vary a lot; I have seen MP3 files that used about 0.2 MB/minute, and whose quality was still quite acceptable. On the other hand, higher qualities (higher than 1 MB/minute) are possible as well.
1 terabyte is 1024 gigabyte.
I presume you're asking "How many kilobytes in a gigabyte?"There are approximately 1 million kilobytes in a gigabyte.
so many hours
6 hours from 4pm to 10pm
There are 34/5 hours in 3.8 hours.
It normal takes 2.1 Gbs to store a 2 hour video.
3,500 songs.
it matters which gigabite it is 2G IS 25GAMES
1 gigabite (1,000 MB = 1GB)
1 terabyte is 1024 gigabyte.
a sd card can store in megabite or gigabite upto 2 gigabite.
the operating system,or the memory i.e how many gigabite?
1,000 megabytes
The company which make motherboard they ASUS,INTEL and GIGABITE etc
an i-pod nano can record eight hour,,, (if it has 8 gigabite)