1 / 42 mph = 0.02381 hours per mile0.02381 hours per mile x 3600 sec. per hour = 85.7143 seconds per mile.
Time = Distance/Speed = 1 mile/5.4 mph = 0.185185... hours = 11.11 minutes.
An hour is a unit of time. A mile is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.
26 miles in three hours is an average of about 6 minutes 55 seconds per mile.
Since its introduction in 1968, the Boeing 737 has been produced in nine variants. All of them have the same minimum reciprocal speed: 0.001838 hours per mile. All of the variants from the 737-100 to the 737-500 have the same cruising reciprocal speed: 0.002062 hours per mile. The 737 Next Generation variants ... the -600, -700, -800, and -900 ... have a lower reciprocal cruising speed: 0.001957 hours per mile.
as fast as your going
About 14 hours
At top speed, a cheetah can go one mile in one minute.
1 / 42 mph = 0.02381 hours per mile0.02381 hours per mile x 3600 sec. per hour = 85.7143 seconds per mile.
2 if you are driving 60mph
How many minutes per mile to run 26.2 miles in 3 hours and 10 minutes?It would take you about 7 and a half minutes per mile.
8 hours 46 minutes averaging 65 mph
At 60 miles per hour
505 miles, 7 and 1/2 to 8 hours
If you assume that each mile is one minute then you will be driving ... about 5 hours.
If you run 26.2 miles in 3 hours 45 minutes your rate is 6.9 minutes per mile.
7.5 hours