That depends on your average speed and the number of stops you make. However, assuming you could average 55 miles per hour for the entire distance, your total driving time would be about 4 hours 48 minutes.
1 / 42 mph = 0.02381 hours per mile0.02381 hours per mile x 3600 sec. per hour = 85.7143 seconds per mile.
Time = Distance/Speed = 1 mile/5.4 mph = 0.185185... hours = 11.11 minutes.
An hour is a unit of time. A mile is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.
26 miles in three hours is an average of about 6 minutes 55 seconds per mile.
Since its introduction in 1968, the Boeing 737 has been produced in nine variants. All of them have the same minimum reciprocal speed: 0.001838 hours per mile. All of the variants from the 737-100 to the 737-500 have the same cruising reciprocal speed: 0.002062 hours per mile. The 737 Next Generation variants ... the -600, -700, -800, and -900 ... have a lower reciprocal cruising speed: 0.001957 hours per mile.
as fast as your going
About 14 hours
At top speed, a cheetah can go one mile in one minute.
1 / 42 mph = 0.02381 hours per mile0.02381 hours per mile x 3600 sec. per hour = 85.7143 seconds per mile.
2 if you are driving 60mph
How many minutes per mile to run 26.2 miles in 3 hours and 10 minutes?It would take you about 7 and a half minutes per mile.
8 hours 46 minutes averaging 65 mph
505 miles, 7 and 1/2 to 8 hours
At 60 miles per hour
If you assume that each mile is one minute then you will be driving ... about 5 hours.
If you run 26.2 miles in 3 hours 45 minutes your rate is 6.9 minutes per mile.
7.5 hours