385 miles.
The total driving time, excluding stops or delays, is 6 hours 2 minutes.
depends how many mph that person is driving.
about 2 and 2/3rds of an hour or 2 hours 40 minutes
Hours is a unit of time, whereas miles is a unit of distance.
It depends how fast you are driving.
5.24 hours.
3,742 road miles and about 2 days 18 hours driving time.
How fast are you driving
It will take about 5 hours and 7 minutes of total driving time at a constant 65 mph. Add some time for stops or delays.
2 hours
11.386 hours.
0.0833... hours.
That depends on how fast you are driving.
Depends on where you're driving.
1,147 road miles and about 17 hours driving time.
There is no way to answer the question as asked, because time (hours) and distance (miles) are not the same. If the question was phrased: How many hours were spent driving at 207 miles and the miles per hour were 55 mph, then the answer would be 3 hours and 45 minutes. Rephrase the question, give the miles per hour, and then the question can be answered.