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Q: How many hours of darkness are there in December?
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If you visited antarctica in December would you have 24 hours of darkness?

No, you'd have 24 hours of sunlight.

What does everyone north of the Arctic Circle have 24 hours of on December 22?


Does the Arctic have winter in December or June?

24 hours of daylight or darkness respectively.

What do all the areas within the Arctic Circle experience on December 21?

24 hours of darkness.

How many hours of lightness in a day?

12 hours of daylight. 12 hours of darkness.

How many days of dark are in Alaska?

There are 21 hours and 50 minutes from sunrise to sunset, but twilight probably lasts throughout the two hours until the next sunrise.

How many hours of darkness is there?

Depends on what time of year it is

How many hours of night does Toronto get in the winter?

12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness

How many months does Antarctica have 24 hours of darkness?


Where on Earth would you find twenty four hours of darkness on December twenty one?

Anywhere within the northern arctic circle.

How many hours of darkness does the South Pole receive on 21 June?

The sun sets at the South Pole about March 21 and does not rise again until about September 21. This means that on 21 June, there is no sunrise -- or 24 hours of darkness on that date.

How many hours of sunlight does the north pole get at the December solstice?

At the North Pole during the December solstice, there is 24 hours of darkness. This is because the axial tilt of the Earth causes the North Pole to be tilted away from the sun during this time, preventing sunlight from reaching that region.