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Q: How many hours of darkness is in march 21?
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How many hours of darkness does the South Pole receive on 21 June?

The sun sets at the South Pole about March 21 and does not rise again until about September 21. This means that on 21 June, there is no sunrise -- or 24 hours of darkness on that date.

When the sun is at the March 21 position New york state will usually have?

12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness

When are the hours of day light and darkness equal?

At the north and south poles . . . all the time Everywhere else . . . on the occasion of the equinoxes, March 21 and September 21.

What position would the South Pole be in to experience 24 hours of darkness?

The Southern Hemisphere would be pointed away from the sun in order for the South Pole to experience 24 hours of darkness -- which occurs at the pole every day between about March 21 and September 21.

During which two days of the year northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere have equal hours of daylight and darkness?

The northern and southern hemispheres have equal hours of daylight and darkness during the equinoxes, which occur around March 20-21 and September 22-23 each year.

When is the north pole dark 24 hours a day?

The North Pole is dark for six months- from the September Equinox (September 21) to the March Equinox (March 21).

What latitude that would have 24 hours of darkness on June 21?


How many hours of darknes do philly get the 21?

9 hr 20 min daylight, subract fir 24 to get darkness

How many hours of daylight does the northern hemisphere receive on March 21?

On March 21, the northern hemisphere receives approximately 12 hours of daylight, which is the vernal equinox when day and night are roughly equal in duration.

What day has same number of daylight hours and darkness hours?

The day when the number of daylight hours is equal to the number of darkness hours is known as the equinox. This occurs twice a year, usually around March 20th and September 22nd. At these times, the Earth's axis is not tilted towards or away from the sun, resulting in almost equal day and night.

How many hours ahead is London from central standard time zone on March 21?

On March 21st London is still on GMT, which is 6 hours ahead of CST.

How many hours of darkness does the South Pole have on June 21?

Mid-winter's Day in most of Antarctica, June 21, is a day without a sunrise. This is also true at the South Pole.