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At the north and south poles . . . all the time

Everywhere else . . . on the occasion of the equinoxes, March 21 and September 21.

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Q: When are the hours of day light and darkness equal?
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On the fall equinox the hours of daylight are less than the hours of darkness?

No. The hours of darkness and day light are equal during autumnal equinox. (Both 12 hours)

Why does the equator get equal hours of day light and darkness?

because it just does. end of conversation

What is the name of the day in which the hours of daylight and darkness are equal?


What day in 2012 is does spring and fall have equal hours of daylight and darkness?

In 2012, the day when spring and fall had roughly equal hours of daylight and darkness was the equinox on September 22nd. On this day, the lengths of day and night are approximately equal all around the world.

What day has same number of daylight hours and darkness hours?

The day when the number of daylight hours is equal to the number of darkness hours is known as the equinox. This occurs twice a year, usually around March 20th and September 22nd. At these times, the Earth's axis is not tilted towards or away from the sun, resulting in almost equal day and night.

How would day and night be different if earth's axis were not titled?

The hours of darkness and daylight would be equal.

How would night and day be different if earth's axis were not titled?

The hours of darkness and daylight would be equal.

What is a day having 12 hours of sulight and 12 hours of darkness?

A day with 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness is known as an equinox. This occurs twice a year when the sun is directly above the equator, causing equal lengths of day and night. It marks the transition between seasons.

Why do the planet have day and night?

Because of the earths rotation we hagve 12 hours in darkness and 12 hours in light but that also depends on where you are on the globe

What is the best way to force bud marijuana?

to feminize it you must give it 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness each day.

Are the number of hours of daylight greater than the number of hours of darkness?

The number of hours of daylight is greater than the number of hours of darkness during summer solstice, and the opposite is true during winter solstice. At the equator, the hours of daylight and darkness are usually equal throughout the year.

How many days did it take God to create light and darkness?

One, although he only created day and night on the fourth day. When God spoke, light was created on day one of the creation week. Darkness, being the absence of light, was already present. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day.God created light and darkness in one day. This was called the First Day.