The sea would get essentially the same amount of sun as neighboring land of the same latitude. The difference being there aren't significant hills or valleys so it would be more evenly distributed (at the same latitude)
Obviously different latitudes would differ with the length of day. Areas within the artic circle will have periods of sunlight 24 hrs a day, and periods of darkness 24 hrs a day.
There are 3 syllables. (sea ur-chin)
One cubic foot of sea water contains about 7.5 gallons.
The word "sea" is in the King James Version of the Bible 400 times. It is in 352 verses.
A sea mile is also called a nautical mile. 1 Kilometer = 0.539956803455724 Nautical Miles
The 6th day of the creation. "Then God said: Let us make in our, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over the earth"
5.5 hours per day on average
Coral reefs get quite a bit of sun. Coral reefs grow close to the surface of the ocean. They are in the sunlit zone of the ocean, you can often find many brightly colored fish in coral reefs.
no, the slight clue is that they live under the sea where there is no sunlight...
The area of the ocean that is reached by sunlight is called the euphotic zone. It is home to many sea turtles and marine mammals that are protected.
Air, sunlight, food and water Sunlight is not correct. cats do not need light along with many fish at the bottom of the sea
depending on the sea otter about 86-90% of their day.
the Mediterranean Sea gets 19 percent daylight
The day to day activities of a marine biologist will depend on where they work. The may scuba dive daily which will allow them to study reefs and the sea life.
Streams and sunlight
Sea lion's have an adaptation called countershading. When a predator looks down into the sunlight zone the sea lion appears dark, when a predator looks up the sea lion appears lighter as to blend into the light above.
The amount of salinity that there is in the sunlight zone is about 3.5 percent. About 90 percent of sea life also resides in this zone.
sunlight, water energy and wind energy all are green energy sources. now a day produce energy from Tide and low tide of the sea.