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Q: How many times a day could you go to sea?
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How often does charybdis drink and vomit out the sea?

three times a day

How many percent of a day do sea otters spend in the water?

depending on the sea otter about 86-90% of their day.

How large was the D-Day invasion?

the biggist sea assault of all times.........................

How many times a day do real penguins in Antarctica eat?

Penguins are sea animals and the sea is their only food source. There is no food for any animal on Antarctica. Penguins eat whenever they're hungry.

How many times is the sea mentioned in the bible?

The word "sea" is in the King James Version of the Bible 400 times. It is in 352 verses.

What does a sea turtle spend it's time doing?

a sea turtle spend it time finding food and lay egg

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How many times did the titanic sail out to sea?

once which was when it crashed into the iceburg

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How many times did the Red Sea part?

In the exodus story in Exodus, the Red Sea Parted one time.