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Q: How many hours would it take to read the bible?
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How long does it have to rain to cause flood?

42 hours commen sense. If you read the Bible you would know that.

How many people red THE whole bible?

Many people try to read as much of it as possible, some read the whole bible, but it is very rare to read the entire bible passionately in order and remember everything. Everytime I read the bible I find something new even if it is a passage I have previously read. I would have to say that the bible is an infinite book.

Can you read the Bible at work?

A:Not during work hours, unless you work for a Christian organisation. You could read the Bible privately in your free time at lunch or coffee break. During working hours you are paid to work, not to read the Bible or non-work-related books. Even during your own time, you would generally be expected not to read aloud or in such a way as to be seen as proselytising.

Why don't they let me read the bible at work?

you could read it in your free time at lunch or coffee break, just not during working hours , these are the hours you are getting paid to work , not to read the bible or anything else.

Would Satan read The Bible?


How long does it take to read the bible in one go i.e if we were to read it cover to cover in one sitting how many hours would we need to do it all.?

Depending on your reading speed probably between 48 - 72h for reading it out loud non-stop.

If you read 8 pages in one hour how many hours would it take to read 72 pages?

It would take 9 hours to read 72 pages. You can calculate this by dividing the total number of pages to be read (72) by the number of pages read in one hour (8).

What books do satanists read like Christians read the Bible?

That would probably be 'The Satanic Bible' by Anton LaVey.

Does it take 70 hours to read the whole bible?

yes, it takes around 76 hours for an average reader.

How many Christians have read the entire Bible?

There are no accurate statistics on how many Christians have read the Bible in its entirety. It is important to remember that to read and understand the Bible as you go can be a serious challenge to faith. There are so many errors, improbabilities and inconsistencies in the Bible that arguably many who read it in this manner might cease to be such committed Christians by the time they finished the task.

What are some reasons that a parent would want their children to read the Bible?

Education could be a reason that a parent would want their children to read the Bible. Also believe or religious could be a some good reasons to read the Bible.

How many nuns in the bible?

read it and find out