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100 billion instruction per second.

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Q: How many instructions per second would this allow the CPU to process?
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How many instructions can an modern CPU process per second?

no ----- How about a real answer?A modern processor, say, the i7 3770k, is capable of processing 3.5 Instructions per CYCLE. And it runs at 3.5GHz, or 3,500,000,000 Cycles per Second. This becomes: 3.5 *3.5 Ghz= 12,250,000,000 Instructions per Second. And now I need to put my head on ice! You cold word this as 12.25GIPS, or 12.25 Giga-Instructions per Second. Of course, GIPS isn't a real abbreviation, so use what you want to! You can also go by GFLOPS, or Giga Floating Point Operations Per Second, a more common measurement. That same i7 3770k is capable of something like 150GFLOPS, or 150,000,000,000 Floating Point Operations per Second. Amazing!

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